Wednesday January 8th

Warm Up:
2 Rounds
200m Run
5 Ring Rows
6 Air Squats
7 Inchworms

**look for your weight vest wednesday option below. The

Strength 15 minutes to work up to heavy squat or power clean touch and go doubles. This is your time to practice these movements!
**Not feeling like strength today. Work on pull up progressions or muscle up progressions for 15 minutes.

3 Rounds:
5 Ring Muscle-ups/Bar Muscle Ups Or 8 C2B Pull Ups or Pull Up Progression
10 Squat Cleans 135/95 INT-115/75 BEG-95/55
10 Front Rack Lunges 135/95 INT-115/75 BEG-95/55
20 Double Unders or 30 Singles
–Coaches Notes–
We have a little bit for everyone here, little gymnastics, little barbell, and a little cardio piece tossed in there. This workout should take from about 8 minutes to staying under 15 minutes. These rep counts are all relatively low for these movements and for it only being for 3 working sets (all doable for unbroken sets).

3 Rounds:
10 Pull Ups
10 Squat Cleans 135/95 INT-115/75 BEG-95/55
15 Lunges
10 Doubles Unders or Singles

Bring a friend version
3 rounds
10 ring rows
10 cleans
15 unweighted lunges
10 doubles or singles.

Optional Accessory Work:
Option 1-
Russian Twists 3×12
Option 2-
Tempo Strict Pull-Ups 10×1
Rest as needed between sets
Tempo Timing- 1-7-7
1 Second Up > 7 Second Hold > 7 Second Down