Tuesday July 10th

Warm up-
4 Rounds
10 Push ups
10 strict presses
Run 200

Skill/Strength- Coach led
Power Clean Progressions
Work through 15-20 reps from the power, the knee and the shin)
Push Jerk Progressions
(work on your dip and drive)

(new athletes drill technique, experienced athletes use weighted progressions)

10 Minutes to build to a heavy power clean jerk, touch and go, double. Coach will set a 10 minute clock.

5 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
7 L pull-ups
4 clean and jerks

Men: 185 lb.
Women: 125 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180106 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Pull-Up (L-Sit)
Chad Vaughn, 315-lb. Clean and Jerk

This workout should push your gymnastics skills and require you to lift heavy while metabolically taxed. Choose a more difficult pull-up option than you do when regular pull-ups are prescribed. Clean and jerk a load that is moderately heavy.

Intermediate Option
5 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
7 kip-up L pull-ups
4 clean and jerks

Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.

Beginner Option
5 rounds for time of:
200-meter run
7 jumping hanging knee-raises
4 clean and jerks

Men: 75 lb.
Women: 55 lb.