Monday August 13

Back squat day! 11th session almost there, over half way. should be creeping up on that 50ish pounds heavier than week 1
30 Wall Squats
2 set of 10 empty bar
3 Sets of 7-10 building to your 20 rep rep Weight
20 Reps!

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: (WE ONLY HAVE 1 GHD, Jump on it if its open and do 20 reps, share!)
8 L-sit pull ups (Scale to 8 strict pull ups, 8 regular pull ups, 8 ring rows)
10 left-arm overhead walking lunges
10 right-arm overhead walking lunges

Men: 70 lb kb
Women: 53-lb. kb

Scale using lighter weight and choosing correct pull up progression.

The Dumbbell Overhead Lunge